Two Messages For Primary 6V

This is a very short post for Primary 6V at Carronshore. I have two messages for you.

sunday postThe first message is that I’ve just heard that we’ll have a mention in the newspaper this week about how we used our Glow Blogs to keep in touch during the recent bad weather – how exciting!

Jack, Kian, Jade and Alyson were interviewed by telephone. I don’t think all their ‘quotes’ will be there, but one of the photographs we took will be … and they’re all in those anyway 🙂  

The second message is that I hope your Primary 1 buddies enjoy your Christmas cards you made for them today and that the Portable North Pole messages all got delivered safely to Mrs R’s email address. Your buddies will LOVE them!

 I’ve also included a Christmas card for you in this post.  Click on the image below to view it (you’ll need to follow some instructions once you open it).

christmas card







….. See you all on Monday 🙂

This entry was posted on December 17, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments

3 thoughts on “Two Messages For Primary 6V

  1. thanks, A BIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    you need to put the class beside the name of your buddy and they didn’t get delivered because the p3’s had already delivered all the cards 🙁

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