It’s early days, but I need to thank David Gilmour ( from East Lothian for helping me set them up in a way that I still have control. The children are loving having their own blogs, and I’m very pleased with how things are going.
i know i didnt want a blog when you first mentioned them but i have seen some of my friends blogs and i was wondering if i could get one? if its too much toruble then i really dont mind but if you had some time and you could me one up i would be very grateful. thanks mrs V.
from Tessie
Hello Tessie!
I’m glad you’ve changed your mind – I think you will really enjoy having your own blog. I’ll email David (he set up the other pupil blogs for me – I’m sure he won’t mind setting up one more!)
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed dipping into your edublogs site. It was really interesting, I especially enjoyed hearing about a Granny’s experiences in the hospital during the war. I found your site through your eTwinning posting. We are currently enjoying a project sharing Fairy Tales with three nurseries/ schools in the Czech Republic, Poland and Portugal
Dorothy Ostacchini
Bowhouse Nursery Class Grangemouth
how is it working out having your own blogs? I am thinking of doing this next session.
It’s early days, but I need to thank David Gilmour ( from East Lothian for helping me set them up in a way that I still have control. The children are loving having their own blogs, and I’m very pleased with how things are going.
i know i didnt want a blog when you first mentioned them but i have seen some of my friends blogs and i was wondering if i could get one? if its too much toruble then i really dont mind but if you had some time and you could me one up i would be very grateful. thanks mrs V.
from Tessie
Hello Tessie!
I’m glad you’ve changed your mind – I think you will really enjoy having your own blog. I’ll email David (he set up the other pupil blogs for me – I’m sure he won’t mind setting up one more!)
heya mrs V can you please put my name on the list because otherwise people can’t go on my blog unless they know the address! from tessie
I’ve added it now, Tessie …… you’re blog is super!!
I’ve added Stuart’s, too.
hiya mrs v your blog is googd .
Heya Mrs Vass Love The Blog xxx Im Getting Use To The Blogs Now
Hello Maryam,
Thanks … I love your blog, too!
Hi P7 and Mrs Vass,
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed dipping into your edublogs site. It was really interesting, I especially enjoyed hearing about a Granny’s experiences in the hospital during the war. I found your site through your eTwinning posting. We are currently enjoying a project sharing Fairy Tales with three nurseries/ schools in the Czech Republic, Poland and Portugal
Dorothy Ostacchini
Bowhouse Nursery Class Grangemouth
Hi Dorothy,
Thank for the comment!
It’s great that you’re part f the eTwinning project. We’ve really enjoyed being part of the Voices of the World project
Maybe you could check it out?