Am I Going In The Right Direction?

Orienting Decisions

1.      Why do I want to research this particular area?

In order to answer this I will ‘re-visit’ my last UOP module and highlight some of the main findings that led to me want to do this research. I’ve already discussed this HERE

2. Who might want to use the research – is there an ‘audience’?

The first answer to this question has to be, ‘me’!

I recently wrote a blog post  about  Konrad Glogowski ‘s work. His thesis focussed on the use of blogging communities in education. His work was with pupils a little older than mine (I teach p7 – his pupils are 13 – 14). I’m looking forward to seeing if his ideas can work successfully in my own situation.

The findings will have a direct impact on how I use web 2 tools with future classes ….. and our school development plan for this session includes the setting up of blogs for all primary 7 and 6 stages.

Some teachers are keen to do this, others are sceptical (the Depute Head has agreed to be my ‘sceptical friend’!). I suspect that other educators who have set up individual blogs for their own pupils might be interested in the research results? I think that the pupils and their parents will also be interested?

3. Will Participants know how the research will be used and do they have the right to refuse to take part?

I have already discussed the research proposal informally with the pupils and at a recent Parent Evening it was mentioned casually (with no objections). I will contact all participants more formally very soon to give precise details of the research plan and ask for their permission to include them. They will have the opportunity to withdraw at any time.

4. How do I protect those who may be identifiable in the research?

The pupils have ‘blogging rules’ embedded in each of their individual blogs. I will refer to the pupils’ blogs throughout the research but this will be using the same rules as the pupils use (first names only, etc.)

5.  What time scale is involved?

Monday 12 November – Sunday 25 November:

Study the various methods available for data collection
Appreciate the difference between qualitative and quantitative data
Consider the different approaches required for qualitative and quantitative data
Decide on the best method/s of data collection for the project

Monday 26 November – Sunday 16 December 

Consider the different methods of data analysisDecide which methods of analysis will be most appropriate for the project
Investigate different methods for presentation of data
Consider how analysis of Findings leads to Conclusions and Implications
Finalise the design for the research plan

Monday 7 January – Sunday 27 January  
 Review of Literature. 

 Monday 28 January – Sunday 10 February     

Revise research plan
Revise literature review
Implement research plan                   

Monday 11 February – Sunday 24 February        

Implementation of research plan
Discussion of issues arising on ‘Blackboard’                  

Monday 25 February – Sunday 9 March 

Confirm with tutor that research plan is on timeImplementation of research plan
Discussion of issues arising on Blackboard
Decide on methods of presenting findings                                       

 Monday 10 March – Sunday 30 March

Implementation of research plan
Consider likely findings, conclusions and implications  

Monday 31 March – Sunday 20 April 
Prepare findings
Completion of research plan
Begin preparation of dissertation                                                       

 Monday 21 April – Sunday 18 May
Completion of Dissertation. 
Submit bound copy of dissertation to the University by Monday 19 May        


Yippee! …. except I have to actually do all the hard work in-between 🙂     

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