Primary 6V ePortfolios

  Today, Primary 6V have been adding items to the ePortfolio categories on their individual blogs and we’ll put links to some of them in this post.

We’ve been finding it hard to find the time to add items to our ePortfolios but recently we came up with the idea of making ‘one minute movies’ to share our learning. Abbie was the first one to ask for the class Flip camera so that she could add something.

Here it is – what do you think?

Well done, Abbie!

Abbie also wrote about the math game she made with her group today and she was keen to add that to the ePortfolio section. Everyone had to devise a math game for the others others in class to play (and learn from). The thing that made it more exciting was that it had to be a game that could be played outdoors.

Primary 6V began to plan their games on paper…..and, as the weather was unseasonably warm, we decided to take the planning sheets outside and see if we could make them ‘for real’. The games were a great success (making them and playing them!) The photo in Abbie’s post shows the group demonstrating how to play their game to the others in the class. It was a great game and everyone enjoyed having a ‘go’!

Have a look at what Abbie wrote about her game on her ePortfolio. Just click HERE to read her post.

Others in class are getting the hang of updating their ePortfolios and sharing their successes inside and outside of school. Here are links to the ePortfolio sections of some of their blogs:

  • Peter has added a few posts to his ‘Outside School Achievements’ category. He’s obviously really enjoying learning how to play his drums – and those reef knots he learns to tie in Cubs are sure to come in very handy in the future! Read about his ‘Outside School Achievements’ HERE

  • Eve, on the other hand, is very proud of an achievement inside school – her story is about an alien called Bob. Maybe she’ll add some of it to her ePortfolio so that we can all read it 🙂 It sounds great! Eve’s post is HERE

  • Wouldn’t it be great to see Iona’s picture on her blog? I’m sure it’s just as awesome as her description 🙂 Read about it HERE

  • Chloe’s also really proud of her art work – but hers is an ‘Inside School Achievement’ she learned from Natasha. You can see the picture she’s proud of on her blog by clicking HERE

There are lots more examples of ePortfolio posts on the Primary 6V individual blogs and we’ll be adding more on here soon 🙂

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